Thursday, October 30, 2008
My brains is functioning again :P
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Aidilfitri 2008 Celebration
So....here goes.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Soon....I'm Gonna Vomit Blood
Monday, August 25, 2008
OMG!! I'm Addicted!!
Anyone interested in finding out wats the drama all about?? here's the link: http://aznv.tv/en/drama/p.iD-MTAx/
You can also browse in YouTube..:D
Saturday, August 16, 2008
A Lovely Unexpected Gift
10% Non-Bumi in UiTM?? Ridiculous!!
I hate politics!!! It's dirty and corrupted!!!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Who Would Have Thought??
Oh well....there is an old saying...everything starts well ends well...(am I right??)
Congratulations to both my frens..Shelly and Yusry. May both of you live a well marriage life.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Not In The Mood..:(
OMG!! I've lost my muse to write. uwaaaaaaaa
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The Dark Night - worth watching

Our One Year Anniversary
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I Hate It When....
To Be or Not To Be
Thursday, July 3, 2008
June 2008 - Really Was NOT My Month!!
It started as early as by the end of the first week of June. At first I was feeling a bit malaise....that goes on until about a week or so. Most my gfs tot I was pregnant...and I was about 5 days late and they tot wrong. And when I started to feel a bit better...the flu came down on me. Arrrrgggghhhhhh!!!! The malaise...I can stand...but flu???!!! I felt like wanting to tear off my nose...pump everything out of it and put it back in. Wanna know y?? Becoz this is the worse flu I've ever encounter...not only my nose itch...but my throat and ears itch too!!! To make it worse...it only start to itch in the middle of my good nite sleep...which means...I'll eventually woke up and can't go back to sleep. This..when as long as almost two weeks.
By the 2nd week of flu epidermic...I can't take it anymore and went to the doc....got all the necessary medicine. It was starting to wear off...but then as the medicine is finished....the symptoms came back. Shit!!! So I had to take further action buy buying shit hell expensive medicine at the pharmacy. This happens in between of my encounter with the breakdown of my car. uwaaaa!!! As if anything could go more wrong than all this. Well...guess what?? It did not end there.
Just I was about to declare myself free from illness (malaise and flu)...I got the cough. uwaaaa!!!! As of today, 3rd July 2008...I am still coughing like nobody's business. The worst cough will be around 2am and 4 am everyday. There goes my beauty sleep gaian. I haven't got any decent sleep for almost a month now. Pity my beloved hubby...kept on woken up by my horrible cough. So after a few nites, I decided to sleep in different room after he sleeps..so that I won't be disturbing his sleep. I know he needs it. Hell!! Who doesn't need a good nite sleep?? On 30th June, I went to the hospital...coz I tot that my cough was due to asthma allergies coz I used to have asthma. The peculiar thing is....after x-raying my lungs and inspection...the doc conclude that there was nothing wrong with me. No asthma or infection or what so ever. So end up I got cough syrup and a prescribe medicine that is supposed to give a relief to the cough. I was trying to recall any abnormal activity that I have done to encounter such sickness. The only changes in my life was....I have a new next door neighbour....who rings his bell everyday between 7-8am and 7-8pm to call down his god...and burn all this candle..and all the smell and smoke will come flying into my house. Arrrghhhhhh!!!! Tension giler!!!
In this condition, I don't feel like going out and do business with anybody. I just pray everything will go back to normal soon. So I can do my activities as usual. I think I'm not the only one suffering from this coughing epidermic.....few of my frens encountered the same too...and some of it lasted for almost a month. Please...a month??? NOOOOOO.....not me... please!!!! uhuhuhuhuhu.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Just My Luck
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Who Is the Subsidy Supposed to Help??
Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy Father's Day???
- 630am :- in the bathroom...we were on our way to school
- 500pm :- he is back at home..reads newspaper....we are out playing. I'll make him some tea and sometime buys him fried banana.
- 700pm :- he'll be on his was to the mosque..we are just back from our play time
- 900pm :- he came back from the mosque...it's our bed time.
So you can see that we seldom spend time with him. As a contractor...most of his weekend were spend on the site. However, at some point, both my brothers suffers the effect of growing up without a father. I think my dad is not the kind of person who shows affection (and yet he has 3 wives...hmmmm)...he seldom calls or visit. The only time we see him is when we go back to our hometown for Aidilfitri. And lately, he seldom goes back there. Heck!! He didn't even show up for my nikah or my reception. How super sad is that. If you asked me...I've expected it..but deep down inside...I would really love it if he was there. I'm his eldest child and daughter.
I Got Tagged
The Rules
- Each blogger must post these rules first.
- Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
- Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
- Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged, and to read your blog.
- I am a bit OCD and kind of a perfectionist. So mostly, I plan everything I do...and if things didn't go as planned..I'll keep on thinking about it for ages. Uuuurrrghhhh!!! I hate that!!
- I suffer from insomnia...which is not cool either. Maybe it has to do with all that over thinking I'm doin..but I can't help it. My brain seems to be working its hardest when it is supposed to be resting. Shit!!
- I like to drive fast. I would love to enter a car race...but with my size and weight....my hubby won't ever let me do it. NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!!
- I don't eat spicy food. And when I say NO SPICY FOOD...I mean it. Don't ask me why..I just don't.
- I hate politics...it just SUCKS!! Anyway you look at it. And we have suffered so much from it. DAMN IT!!
- I looooove to cook. Maybe becoz my mom trained me to do so since I was like 5 years old. Would love to have a house with spacious and well equipt kitchen someday. That is if we could afford one..with everything going UP! If that does happens...I think my hubby would have to go to the gym twice as hard..and heck! I might have to start to go back to the gym. uhuhuhuhu
- Another thing that I love is dancing. I would move to any good beat anytime. Uh...I miss that a lot. The last time I had so much fun dancing was December 07....don't know when is that gonna happen again. Unfortunately, my hubby don't dance...so I don't get a chance to share that passion with him. So now..I only dance at home...alone.....in the morning, when getting ready, cooking or cleaning. uhuk
- I envy those who were born with privilage. They have everything (I mean the a happy ones..not the wealthy broken family).....family, wealth and good looks. Gosh! Who doesn't envy that??
I tagged....
- Ezrazlin (I am giving you the honour you gave me...eheheheheh)
- Carol
- Nize Kepeh
- Farah Kawaii
- Shelly
**** Sorry...I have to break the rules here. I don't have any other blogger to tag. uhuhuhu ****
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Beware of Virus!!
I'm Amazed

The Result is Out!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
But then, we really need that second car. hmmmm......this PakLah has really created problems for me. Started with having to postponed my wedding reception becoz of the election...and now this???!!! Thank you PakLah!!! Thank you very very very much!! You've really changed my life!! Since you are an expert at increasing everything...why don't you start discussing on how to make sure we all have the salary increament we deserve. Everything else is going UP and yet...we only earn the same. SHIT!! *&%#$#%&*)(*&^$@!!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Japanese woman caught living in man's closet
By MARI YAMAGUCHI, Associated Press WriterFri May 30, 3:21 PM ET
A homeless woman who sneaked into a man's house and lived undetected in his closet for a year was arrested in Japan after he became suspicious when food mysteriously began disappearing. Police found the 58-year-old woman Thursday hiding in the top compartment of the man's closet and arrested her for trespassing, police spokesman Hiroki Itakura from southern Kasuya town said Friday.
"We searched the house ... checking everywhere someone could possibly hide," Itakura said. "When we slid open the shelf closet, there she was, nervously curled up on her side." The woman told police she had no place to live and first sneaked into the man's house about a year ago when he left it unlocked.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Ouch!! That Hurts!!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
BEWARE!! Toll Fraud!!
- Sometimes...the toll bar is always up. This indicates that, it doesn't matter if you pay the toll or not....the bar can be lifted up with a push of a button. So, this means..the toll attendant can take our money..and simply push the button to lift the bar up without having to record the collection. Except for maybe if we asked for a receipt.
- OK..so I asked for receipt..but there was one time where the toll attendant gave a me a receipt for a taxi which was half the value of the amount I've paid for. So this means..he recycled the receipt.
- One time, I have ran out of small change and there was only a RM50 note that I withdraw earlier. After searching high and low for coins....I can only come out with 65 sen. So as I stopped at the RM1.60 toll.....
Me: (while giving him the note to pay) Sorry I don't have any small change
Attendant: Sorry I don't have any small change to give back to you.
(Isn't that peculiar??..hmmmmm??)
Me: But I only have 65 sen worth of coins
Attendant: It's ok. You can just pass through
Me: Are you sure??
Attendant: Yes..just pass through
Me: Really?? Here is the 65 sen. TQ
So either he is such a kind man who paid for me for the toll he is supposed to collect...or there are no way of actually tracing the amount of collection made. Which one do you think??
As for me, the easiest way to make sure our toll payment goes directly to the toll concession company is by using Touch N Go or SmartTag at these tolls. There you go, you be the judge...and take action for yourself.
Remember This??!
Hubby: Yerlah..mana dorang beli yek??
(translation:- Yes....where do you think they bought it from?)
Me: Must be from this shop.
Hubby: Berenti..berenti..saya pegi beli.
(translation: Stop..stop...I'll go and buy some)
Monday, May 19, 2008
What Happens In Vegas - A Must Watch Movie

So, what are you waiting for?? Go and watch it lah...eheheheh
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
It's Good To Catch Up
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
When Your Husband is Sportsman of The Year..:P
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Uish.....This is Crazy!!
SEORANG bapa mencetuskan kegemparan di Austria selepas mengurung dan merogol anak perempuannya yang disembunyikan selama 24 tahun sehingga melahirkan tujuh orang anak sebelum dibongkar kelmarin.
Bapa itu, Josef Fritzl, 73, kini ditahan oleh polis dan dia mengaku mengurungkan anaknya, Elisabeth Fritzl yang kini berumur 42 tahun.
Josef yang dibawa ke mahkamah semalam mendedahkan bahawa dia membina sebuah bilik kurungan bawah tanah di kediamannya di Amstetten untuk mengurung Elisabeth. Lelaki itu juga mengaku melakukan perbuatan sumbang muhrim dengan anaknya itu tetapi dia menegaskan tiada unsur paksaan. Sebelum ini, selama 24 tahun pihak polis menyangka Elisabeth melarikan diri dari rumah ketika berumur 18 tahun untuk menyertai satu kumpulan ajaran sesat.
Bagaimanapun, tragedi yang menimpa wanita itu terbongkar kelmarin selepas salah seorang daripada anak perempuan mangsa yang berumur 19 tahun sakit tenat dan Josef terpaksa membawanya ke hospital.
Para doktor kemudiannya merayu supaya ibu remaja itu tampil bagi memberikan lebih maklumat berhubung sejarah kesihatannya. Menurut polis, Josef kemudiannya membawa Elisabeth dan dua anaknya keluar daripada bilik kurungan buat pertama kalinya dalam tempoh 24 tahun dan memberitahu isterinya, Rosemarie bahawa anak mereka yang melarikan diri dahulu kini sudah pulang.
Namun, Elisabeth bersetuju membuat satu kenyataan kepada pihak polis selepas mendapat jaminan bahawa dia tidak akan berjumpa dengan bapanya itu yang didakwa menderanya sejak berumur 11 tahun. Menurut Elisabeth, tiga anaknya hasil hubungan sumbang mahrim yang berumur 19, 18 dan 5 tahun dikurung di dalam bilik itu sejak dilahirkan serta tidak pernah melihat cahaya matahari.
Wanita itu juga mendakwa telah melahirkan tujuh orang anak di bilik kurungan itu tetapi salah seorang daripadanya meninggal dunia ketika dilahirkan. Enam anaknya yang masih hidup adalah terdiri daripada tiga perempuan dan tiga lelaki yang kini berumur antara lima hingga 20 tahun.
Seorang jurucakap pendakwa raya, Gerhard Sedlacek berkata, bilik kurungan yang digunakan untuk mengurung wanita itu berukuran 60 meter persegi dan mempunyai ketinggian 1.70 meter serta dilengkapi perabut seperti sebuah flat.
Bilik kurungan itu bersambung dengan garaj dan hanya boleh dimasuki melalui satu pintu yang dilengkapi dengan kunci elektronik serta kod rahsia. Akhbar Kronen-Zeitung menggambarkan Josef sebagai seorang nelayan dan dihormati oleh jiran dan penduduk setempat. Bagaimanapun, perwatakan baik lelaki itu sebenarnya adalah satu topeng dan dia seperti raksaksa yang ganas di rumahnya sendiri.
“Amstetten kini berada dalam kejutan dan kami bersimpati dengan nasib yang menimpa mangsa serta anak-anaknya,” kata Datuk Bandar Amstetten, Herbert Katzengruber.Beberapa ujian DNA juga akan dijalankan bagi memastikan sama ada Josef adalah bapa kepada enam anak mangsa. Pihak polis berkata, anak ketujuh Elisabeth meninggal dunia tidak lama selepas dilahirkan dan mayatnya telah dibakar. Josef kemudinya mengambil tiga anak mangsa yang terdiri daripada dua lelaki dan seorang perempuan sebagai anak angkat. Lelaki itu memberitahu isterinya dan pihak berkuasa bahawa ketiga-tiga bayi itu ditinggalkan oleh Elisabeth di pintu rumah mereka sejak beberapa tahun lalu. Setiap bayi yang didakwanya dihantar ke rumah mereka itu disertakan dengan sepucuk surat yang mempunyai tandatangan palsu Elisabeth yang mendakwa dia tidak mampu memelihara anaknya itu. Ketiga-tiga kanak-kanak itu pergi ke sekolah dengan menjalani kehidupan seperti biasa tanpa menyedari bahawa ibu dan tiga lagi adik beradiknya dikurung di rumah mereka. - Agensi
Deepest Sympathy And Condolence
I didn't know Sandra's mother...so here is Carol's entry.
When You're Gone
I was asleep when i received the sms from Sandra this morning.
"Mak ku dah xda kul 3.30am"
(translated: My mum passed away at 3.30am)
To Sand and family, our deepest condolence. Our prayers are always be with you. May her soul rests in peace. You have been a great daughter to your mum and i'm sure she is so proud to ever have a daughter like you.
Monday, April 28, 2008
And Now....We Know
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Hmmm....Not A Good Start
Monday, April 21, 2008
Protocol oh Protocol
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Thank you!!!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
At Last....Everything is over...fuh!!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Ada.....Tapi Serupa Macam Takda....sigh!!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Congratulations to My Beloved Dear Friend.... Caroline Robert
Laksa Sarawak
Kolok Mee
The next day, our day starts by going to the church for the church wedding ceremony. We can't wait, coz this is our first time experiencing such event. All this while we've only seen it in movies. Just to let you know, it is totally different. Not as simple as you think it might be. The ceremony took almost an hour to complete. uhuhuhu. Then, there was a luncheon at Sarawak Club. The reception dinner was at 8.00pm held at Balai Merdeka, Merdeka Palace Hotel. If you think the day ends after the dinner, u tought wrong. Later, we went to an after party at Victoria Arms Club also in the hotel. Overall, we had a full one day event..and it was a blast!!!
For more pictures...visit my fotopages.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Agak Malang Nasib ku....uhuhuhuhu
Friday, March 7, 2008
Marilah Mengundi...uhuhu
Giler rush and Panic!!! Fuh!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Blood Diamond...iyer..aku baru tengok
Anyway..it was a worth film to watch. A mix of passion, action and has a good moral values to it. Anyone haven't watched it before..maybe you can still catch it on Astro..or maybe...just buy the DVD. ;)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I wept and I cried
I wept and I cried....
Till there were no more tears
Till I don't feel a thing in my soul
But then
I still wept and cried this morning
And yet, no appologies received
I was ordered
I was ordered..
Not to cry
Not to express...
Not to express my sorrows
And to keep it all to myself
If I refuse
I'll be punished
Punished with anger
So then...
I stop crying
I held back all the sorrows
I kept it all to myself
With no one to share
And again..I console myself
To get through everything
Just like I did before
I just hope
Hope that I have the strength
To hold on...if not
I might just choose to die
And if I die
I'll keep everything
And bring all my sorrows to the grave
Friday, February 22, 2008
NO Honeymoon for us
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Cuba teka
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The Wedding Photoshoot
So our day starts at 10.30am as we set foot into the studio. We had 6 outfits to finish the photoshoot. 2 wedding gowns, 2 evening dress and 2 costumes. Overall, it was fun and hilarious coz we had to do so many poses. There were cute, elegent, funny and sexy poses altogether. wakakakakaka. We didn't know that being a model was such a hassle until we did this photoshoot. Our day ended at 8.45pm...yeah...about 10 hrs later. Wow!! It was tiring!! But we did have fun.
We can't put any photos in this entry as we did not take any. But we just can't wait to see the photos this friday and we can only choose 20 pictures out of the whole bunch taken. It's gonna be a tough choice to make.
The album will be done on 1st April. So, to those who are coming to my wedding, you'll be able to view it during the wedding day. *wink wink*
Friday, February 15, 2008
I am pissed off!!! I feel like killing someone...arrrghhh!!!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
But this year...it was different altogether. The general election has a huge impact!! Why?? Why you asked??? Because it happens to be held on the same day of my wedding date!!! %$#!&^(*$#&^)!^%* And I had to reduce the no of pax to the caterer as I doubt most of the outstation guest will be coming. aaaarrrrghhhhhh!!!!!
I hate politics, and now, I hate it even more. uwaaa!!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Our Love Song
By Alicia Keys
I just want you close
Where you can stay forever
You can be sure
That it will only get better
You and me together
Through the days and nights
I dont worry cause
Everything's gonna be alright
People keep talking
They can say what they like
But all I know is everything's gonna be alright
No one no one no one
Can get in the way of what I'm feeling
No one no one no one
Can get in the way of what I feel for you
You you
Can get in the way of what I feel for you
When the rain is pouring down
And my heart is hurting
You will always be around
This I know for certain
You and me together
Through the days and nights
I dont worry cause
Everythings gonna be alright
People keep talking
They can say what they like
But all I know is everything's gonna be alright
No one no one no one
Can get in the way of what I'm feeling
No one no one no one
Can get in the way of what I feel for you
You you
Can get in the way of what I feel for you
I know some people search the world
To find something like what we have
I know people will try
Try to divide
Something so real
So till the end of time
Im telling you that
No one no one no one
Can get in the way of what
I'm feeling
No one no one no one
Can get in the way of what
I feel for you
oh oh oh....
Hope u enjoy this song as much as we do :)
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Things I can't wait for
12th February - to finally start to finish the wedding favours
15th February - to finally see my finished wedding dress (I sent to do beadings)
16th February - to go for a dress fitting for the dress I'll be wearing on the groom side
17th February - My wedding photoshoot with D'Paris Image (this one will be exciting - but tiring)
20th February - to see the finished look of my bridesmaid dress (so cute)
Still praying that everything is in place and going well.Pray for me too yeah frens.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Yet Another Preparation...fuh!!
So anyone that says wedding is a simple thing...think again.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Only 40 more days to go...uhuhuhu
Hopefully, everything goes well and I don't miss any important details.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
A New Year...A New Resolutions...Welcome 2008
- My beloved sista (by bind and not by blood) Diyana got pregnant with her first child.
- I got married on 20072007...that will be a date and year to be remembered forever
- I finally got to stabilize my income and improve my payments skills to all my hutang...hahahaha (coz my income is not fixed lah...don't judge me okay)
- My mom got her EPF...(not for me lah) so she is now in a better shape financially and I am happy for her.
I think there's more...but these are the the most memorable event of happiness that I could remember. :D
As for 2008, it is still young...still a baby. So far...it has been great. Still got 355 days to go...uhuhu. Who knows?? Anything can happen. I don't normally do any new year resolutions but this year I have a few.
- Have to get all my details and financial background altogether. Since I am a freelancer, all my income are not recorded formally...so it is quite hard to prove my income. So I have decided to get it all together and manage it better for future benefits.
- Make sure my reception goes smoothly as I wanted it to be. PLEASE FRENS, PRAY FOR ME.
- Hopefully to have our first child :D (Have to work this one with hubby...wakakakakaka)
- Maybe buy a new car. (This one too)
- Buy a house...maybe towards end of year. (And this one too)
- Think of a better business to do other than stupid futsal thing...coz the funder seems to think it is not profitable and suspend funding for a period of time. WTF lah?? Not profitable?? Sigh....
So there you go....Bani...hope you enjoyed reading this entry. ehehehehe