I just got to know, people really read my blog. :p I used to think this blog is just my open online diary. Nothing much interesting to know about in my life. I think. Besides on and off hype which rarely happens. So, when should I start? I has been almost a year. This should be a looooong entry...LOL
So, I think those who read my blog knows am trying to have a baby, right? After taking all the test, everything came out excellent! Nothing is wrong with me or hubward. Both of us are fertile and my womb is in excellent condition. 'Beautiful' is the exact word the doctor put it. hmmm...then what is wrong? I have miscarriage twice and have been trying for the 3rd pregnancy but fail. I guess maybe our timing wasn't quite right or both hubward and me are in some kind of stress. Only Allah knows. right?
The first thing I did to go through with our plan to do IUI was stop dance class and keep aside my bicycle. Then I contacted the hospital (PPUM) to make an appointment for the procedures in September 2011. After consulting the doctor, I started taking hormone shots from my 3rd day of my period. Yes, shot! As in needle. But don't worry, it doesn't hurt one bit. I think an ant bite hurts more than the needle. The device they give you is not like the normal one they use to inject meds or draw blood but it is a special device that is easy to use. I have to take the shot on my stomach daily for 8-10 days. Within that period, the doctor will monitor my eggs. Then, the insemination day comes. This process only takes about 5 minutes but I will have to lay down for 20 minutes after that. I watched in films before that normally the doctor will put your legs up but I only have to lay down normally with my legs down. And then, the waiting begins.
To cut it short, after 2 weeks, they draw my blood and I got the result the next day. I was in a lunch meeting with my GM when I got the call. My GM knows all about it since I have to be at the hospital so many times for the procedure to be completed. He was as excited as I am. :P He is kind of like a father figure...although he is not that old. The result? POSITIVE!!! I still remember my girlfrens from TTDI were busy on our group watsapp asking me for the result. ahahaha...they were more nervous than I am. LOL. The first person I called was of course hubward. His response was more or less....hmmm...how do I describe it? In disbelief? Why I said so? Because he didn't exactly show any reaction at first. Then, 5 minutes later he called again? "Are you sure? Betol ker? Positive? Macam mana doktor tau? (how did the doctor know?)". Had to convince him a few times..then only he said ok and hang up.
Actually, his disbelief continued even after our first scan during my 7th week and saw the heartbeat. His belief only started around the 12 weeks of my pregnancy which by then I was already experiencing major morning sickness for a few weeks. However, right after I got to know I was pregnant, I started having stomach cramps. One time, I cried and was in so much pain that I sweat. It was even more painful than my painful period pain. I was worried since I had two miscarriages before, so I went to the doctor. Since it was too early, the doctor can't check for anything and just gave me MC to rest for two days. After that I was okay. I guess I just needed more rest off work.
Now is already almost end of March 2012 and am already in my 26th week. After an excruciating 4.5 months of morning sickness with all the smell allergies, vomiting and heartburn (my gastric made it even worst), everything now has started to be normal a bit. I still have my smell allergies and a very rare vomiting but now I am enjoying the little nudger moves inside of me. Ouh! I almost forgot, it is a boy. Yeah, hubward is superbly excited!! Now my belly is practically the baby to him :P The baby is such an active one that it moves almost all day long. Not sure when he sleeps.
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My little nudger at 21 weeks. <3 |
Okay, I think I wrote a lot already. Those who read this might be closing their eyes by now. Will try to update again as soon as possible :)
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