Sunday, June 22, 2008
Just My Luck
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Who Is the Subsidy Supposed to Help??
Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy Father's Day???
- 630am :- in the bathroom...we were on our way to school
- 500pm :- he is back at home..reads newspaper....we are out playing. I'll make him some tea and sometime buys him fried banana.
- 700pm :- he'll be on his was to the mosque..we are just back from our play time
- 900pm :- he came back from the mosque...it's our bed time.
So you can see that we seldom spend time with him. As a contractor...most of his weekend were spend on the site. However, at some point, both my brothers suffers the effect of growing up without a father. I think my dad is not the kind of person who shows affection (and yet he has 3 wives...hmmmm)...he seldom calls or visit. The only time we see him is when we go back to our hometown for Aidilfitri. And lately, he seldom goes back there. Heck!! He didn't even show up for my nikah or my reception. How super sad is that. If you asked me...I've expected it..but deep down inside...I would really love it if he was there. I'm his eldest child and daughter.
I Got Tagged
The Rules
- Each blogger must post these rules first.
- Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
- Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
- Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged, and to read your blog.
- I am a bit OCD and kind of a perfectionist. So mostly, I plan everything I do...and if things didn't go as planned..I'll keep on thinking about it for ages. Uuuurrrghhhh!!! I hate that!!
- I suffer from insomnia...which is not cool either. Maybe it has to do with all that over thinking I'm doin..but I can't help it. My brain seems to be working its hardest when it is supposed to be resting. Shit!!
- I like to drive fast. I would love to enter a car race...but with my size and weight....my hubby won't ever let me do it. NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!!
- I don't eat spicy food. And when I say NO SPICY FOOD...I mean it. Don't ask me why..I just don't.
- I hate politics...it just SUCKS!! Anyway you look at it. And we have suffered so much from it. DAMN IT!!
- I looooove to cook. Maybe becoz my mom trained me to do so since I was like 5 years old. Would love to have a house with spacious and well equipt kitchen someday. That is if we could afford one..with everything going UP! If that does happens...I think my hubby would have to go to the gym twice as hard..and heck! I might have to start to go back to the gym. uhuhuhuhu
- Another thing that I love is dancing. I would move to any good beat anytime. Uh...I miss that a lot. The last time I had so much fun dancing was December 07....don't know when is that gonna happen again. Unfortunately, my hubby don't dance...so I don't get a chance to share that passion with him. So now..I only dance at home...alone.....in the morning, when getting ready, cooking or cleaning. uhuk
- I envy those who were born with privilage. They have everything (I mean the a happy ones..not the wealthy broken family).....family, wealth and good looks. Gosh! Who doesn't envy that??
I tagged....
- Ezrazlin (I am giving you the honour you gave me...eheheheheh)
- Carol
- Nize Kepeh
- Farah Kawaii
- Shelly
**** Sorry...I have to break the rules here. I don't have any other blogger to tag. uhuhuhu ****
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Beware of Virus!!
I'm Amazed

The Result is Out!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
But then, we really need that second car. hmmmm......this PakLah has really created problems for me. Started with having to postponed my wedding reception becoz of the election...and now this???!!! Thank you PakLah!!! Thank you very very very much!! You've really changed my life!! Since you are an expert at increasing everything...why don't you start discussing on how to make sure we all have the salary increament we deserve. Everything else is going UP and yet...we only earn the same. SHIT!! *&%#$#%&*)(*&^$@!!