First of all...congratulations to Wong Mew Choo for winning China Open 2007. As I heard it has been 18 years since any other countrymen won the super series other than China. Well...they do have a lot of people there.

I watched the game with my hubby and without a doubt it was intense..especially the last set of game. Wong Mew Choo had come so close to loosing the game. Each time any of them served..I'll bite my lips..uhuhuhuhu. Whatever it hat's off to Wong Mew Choo for wining the intense game. It is not beat a No.1 player in the world in front of her own supporters in China. Can u imagine the pressure??? I sure can't.
Guys...don't be surprise reading this entry...I love sports..not everything in my life is around shoes, handbags and clothes. In fact, I miss playing netball and hockey. That's and my hubby is "sekepala"..ehehehe.
tu la...aku ingat tadi fali yg karang posting nih....
wakakakaka :P
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