Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It Sure Is A First Time....GOSH!!!

Today..I went to the gym and I was supposed to sign up for a lifetime membership. So I went to meet the consultant who's handling my account. As she was filling up the form....she reads my IC...and suddenly she said..." are so young!!!"...I smiled..but then she continued her sentences.."I thought you are like 31". I was sooooo damn shocked. This is sure the first time a person thinks that I am older than I am. I looked at her with a weird face. She said.."You look young...but you have that mature and garang look on you face"....hmmmm...of course...what does she expect?? Me making cute and adorable face while working out in the gym??? Of course I have that serious garang face. Otherwise people think I'm just another cute poser in the gym....uhuhuh.

But I am still shocked. Is age really catching up?? Do I really look that old?? 31??? WTF?? Hell!! That is old!!!! I am not even 27 yet...not until DEC 23 at least....still have 3 more years until I reach 30....uwaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!


Abg Bani said...

kompom la kitaorg kena panggil hang kak iena...hak hak hak

Azlina Ilzdaf said...

:P....tak nak...

Nizam Abdul Rahim said...

emm..emm..betul tu bani kite panggil je kak iena!! =P

Diyanazman said...


Azlina Ilzdaf said...

yeah...u r rite D. Alamakkkkkk!!!!!! damn!! ahahahahaha