Saturday, August 16, 2008

10% Non-Bumi in UiTM?? Ridiculous!!

It is just outrageous and truly ridiculous when Selangor MB forward the idea of opening 10% quota to Non-Bumi in UiTM. UiTM is a public uni funded by Majlis Amanah Rakyat which we all now is a council established to protect the bumi's interest and rights. By opening the 10% quota to Non-Bumi, meaning giving them the share. I just don't think that's right.

I got to know about this from the news, and as I was watching it, it struck me. I am not on any side on the political party...but I think there is some propaganda in what the MB is trying to do. I think the MB of all people would know that the idea will be rejected by the government..the BN government to be exact....but he still express the idea. Why?? I think it's just to show to the Non-Bumi he is doing something for them, but with the BN governing the government, there is nothing he could do. In other words, to get Non-Bumi vote. If this theory is right, politician sure are smart aren't they? But they need to know that voters are not idiots either. They also need to be careful not to start fire and create a reason for a dispute between races just to gain their political success. Coz if this leads to bigger things, they themselves will loose much more than what they've gained.

I hate politics!!! It's dirty and corrupted!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi. Apologies of me invading your space. I googled "UiTM 10%" just to see the reactions of the general public.

Some of them surprised me or more accurately I thought they were "just outrageous and truly ridiculous".

Referring to what you wrote, "UiTM is a public uni funded by Majlis Amanah Rakyat which we all now is a council established to protect the bumi's interest and rights. By opening the 10% quota to Non-Bumi, meaning giving them the share. I just don't think that's right."

Well, I feel like I'm stealing from the Orang Asli, because they were the ORIGINAL "Bumi's" who got sidelined by the "New Bumi's @ Malay @ you&me".

Possibly the same fate will serve us when the non-Bumis take over. At least we'll be better friends with the Orang Asli.

We get what we deserve. After all, sharing is caring. Pardon, what I really meant was, sharing the same fate.

I have no contempt against anyone, understanding the respect that should go with every opinion. I just feel sad. Terribly & horribly sad for our children.


Azlina Ilzdaf said...

hmm....isn't Orang Asli is considered Bumi as well??