I've been with my hubby for 11 years and been married for 1 year plus now. The only time he had ever surprised me with anything was 2 years ago for my birthday. Wait! Oh..yah...one time before that on my 19th birthday. ehehehehe. Well...surprises are expected on occasion like that, aren't they?
Yesterday, my day did not start quite in a good way. Well, for starters, my dearest beloved hubby have to wake up at 6am, but he sets his alarm at 430am. Yes!!! 430am!! And who's the one who really woke up?? Me of course. I was cranky all morning. With the insomnia and flu I'm having, a good sleep is hard to get. So at 615am I woke him up and send him of to work at 630am. And to make it worse, the road heading back was jammed and a stupid asshole lady driving in front of me was driving as if she was taking a stroll in the park. Damn it lady...step it up!!
So, at 515pm I went to fetch hubby back from work. Normally I don't have this routine. Only for last week, coz he has to attend a course in West Port and he is riding with his colleague..so I had to send him to the colleague's place near Bukit Subang. After we reach home that Friday, he was rushing to go to a futsal training and I was rushing to attend a wedding. Suddenly the called for me. That's normal. uhuhuhu. Maybe he wants me to pack some of his stuff. Before that, he locked our bedroom door. That was a bit peculiar...hmmmmm. So, I went to him. He gave me a hug....and took out a red box out of his pocket. I was surprised!! Surprised indeed. No occasion and I got gift?? Wow!! Cool. It was a gold bracelet. Simple and lovely.
Well, that's just for a start. uhuhuhu. That nite, after we came back home...he from futsal and me from a wedding..and after I've settled everything need to be settled, we were at our usual spot....on our couch watching the Olympics. Yes...the Olympic...ehehehe. Then, we got up and went to the kitchen. As he walked back from the kitchen, he asked me to close my eyes. hmmmm???? Another surprise??? Twice in one day?? I don't think so. But I was wrong...I got my second surprise of the day.....on my neck. Yup..a gold necklace. He said the necklace is a belated anniversary gift. Thank you sooo much hubby!!! I felt sorry coz I did not buy him anything. Uhuk.

I got jewelleries now...(besides my engagement and wedding rings)..ehehehe. Thank you so much hubby. It was really a very sweet and thoughtful unexpected surprise. Love u!! Muah!!