I don't mention much about my crazy addiction to Korean Drama in my blog but yes, I do love Korean drama. It started in 2006 when I watched Goong a.k.a Princess Hours but then became less since there wasn't any good drama to watch. But then, it all started again when I watched Myungwol Spy. OMG!! I love Eric Mun. So macho!! Then I got pregnant and for some reason I can't watch k-drama until The Heirs a.k.a The Inheritors aired in 2013 and the main actor was Lee Min Ho. Oh he is so handsome!! Neomu chalseangita!! I am a fan!! And I watched all his drama. Like Twilight, I am a fan of Robert Pattinson and I got to see him live in Japan back in 2009 during a fan meeting. I wanted to meet Lee Min Ho too!! And I got few chances to do so!!
First, I got to know there is a chance to meet him when OSIM brought him to Malaysia for OSIM anniversary event or something. There was a contest and I entered or you can just buy a product worth RM2000 to get a ticket. Yes A ticket...only 1. Of course I didn't buy any product coz I think my hubby will shoot me if I did..even if I didn't use his money. Well..of course I didn't win the ticket. Sob sob. Anyways...the event date actually clashed with my trip to Langkawi and I don't my hubby will let me skip the trip either. :(
Second, Lee Min Ho was having a global tour and was supposed to do a concert in Singapore. I was all giddy like a teenager asking a few friends who are also a fan to join. VIP ticket is a must!! However, I was lucky I didn't buy the tickets or worst flight ticket to Singapore as his concert there was cancelled. :(( What a bummer!! uuwaaaaa!!!
The latest which is the 3rd chances is to meet him during Innisfree Malaysia Fiesta as is the ambassador for the product. A friend who knows I am a fan of Lee Min Ho told me that Innisfree is bringing Lee Min Ho to Malaysia. There was not much info about it as to when and where but there is a promo.
Buy Innisfree products worth RM300 and you will get an echo bag and a chance to meet Lee Min Ho!. |
Innisfree is a beauty product from Korea made from Jeju Island natural ingredients and they were opening their first ever shop in Malaysia in Sunway Piramid. Basically, you will need to buy their product min worth RM300 for you to get an echo bag and a chance to meet Lee Min Ho during their Innisfree Fiesta. Only 100 lucky echo bag receiver will get an invitation. I went to Sunway Piramid on the launch day itself as I was coincidentally on leave as Wildan's day care was closed. My original plan was to be there early but as I have Wildan with me, early is not achievable. I eventually arrived at Sunway Piramid at almost 11am. When I arrived, the location of the shop where I thought it was, was wrong. So had to find an info counter to check. When I told the customer service I was looking for Innisfree, she pointed me the way and told me there are a lot of people there. Great!! I thought so! hmmm...
The crowd queuing as early as 9am to get into Innisfree |
And the line goes on and on
*Both pics above from Innisfree FB*
When I saw the line, I told myself this is crazy. Am just gonna bring Wildan to eat first and then see if the line have subside a bit. If there is any luck, then maybe I will get the chance to meet Lee Min Ho. So I did just that and went back to the shop about an hour later. By that time, the queue was not so bad and the end of the line is just a few feet from the shop entrance. So I decided to queue. Alhamdulillah, my little charmer Wildan was all good and behaving and queued up with me with a smile. I think we queued for almost an hour before we could get in to the shop. I even took my time to choose the product that I wanted. I bought their make up product. Am not really a make up wearing kind of person but their make up is very basic and I kind of like it. I love their stick eye shadows and tiny mascara. So easy to apply! Then, it is turn to queue to pay. Again, I was so lucky Wildan was all smile and playful. He was even helping me to hold the shopping basket. hehehehe...finally I paid and got my echo bag. However, still am not sure how do we know whether we get to meet Lee Min Ho. As I was leaving the shop, I asked around and a girl told me they put the invitation randomly in the echo bag and I should look into my bag to see if there's any invitation. It was about 3.00pm when we finally left the shop and I didn't open the bag to check at the time as it has actually passed Wildan afternoon nap time. As always, priority is Wildan. So I decided to just go home. However, as I drove out from the car park, there was a traffic jam. Wildan was already asleep in his car seat so I decided to take a peek. And there it is!!!! The invitation!!! I seriously didn't believe my luck!! And they say...3rd time is a charm. Yeay!!!!! I was ecstatic but I couldn't scream loud because Wildan was sleeping. So I scream a soundless scream. hahahaha....I wish there was someone there I can hug. If Wildan was not sleeping I would definitely hugged him. He was and still is my lucky charm.
I have to go to Innisfree again to exchange the invitation and I finally did on Christmas day. I can't choose the seating but the ticket comes in a sealed envelop and I was randomly given a ticket. However, the person has to open the ticket in front of me in order to put my name in the guest list and record my seat number. What do you know?? I got C row which is the second row!! Yeay!! I am really loving this. So the event will be on 10th January (this Saturday), 3.00pm. I really can't wait for it!!
Will update about my meet with Lee Min Ho after that. Yeay!!